Graduated at 2016 From : FCI-CU (IT department) with GPA 2.72 / 4.00
I'm certified from Google & udacity MAL Program as Professional Android Developer With Proven Certificate . Also , I've Participated in many competitions as Orange Rich Communication Services for android devlopment based on RCS Technologty Developed by Orange .
I have learend iOS development using native swift programming language upon my trip in Bluecrunch Company , and I have developed many iOS applications .
I have some experience in using my programming skills to implement applications and problem solving . Now, I'm working as Freelancer and Mobile Developer At BlueCrunch. since Aug-2016
I have worked on many Android/iOS projects so I have picked sample of the latest for you.
USAID’s Strengthening Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (SEED) Project focuses on supporting the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and entrepreneurs, with the overarching purpose of increasing employment and income, especially those owned by women and youth. To achieve this objective, USAID provides technical assistance, capacity building, training and impactful tools to support the growth and expansion of MSMEs in Egypt.
Wrattel Application is an islamic Application like Shzam but it recognizes any Ayah of the Holy Qur2an , Simply play the Ayah Sound and with just one click , you can know all info. about it like ( Ayah number , Reader name , Surah name , ... ) , also you can share it , play it again and download it .
This App. is mainly focuses on deliver all things you want safely , My Role was to implemnt Driver Application , As a driver I should see my list of today's orders , accept/reject them , then navigate to these orders using google maps , after arriving I should confirm the delivered package to the client , I can also recieve a bonus packages on my way as a notification , which increases my bonus money .
The Lemon Tree is a well-known restaurants that always seeks to help you enjoy your time while eating , in this app you can reserve your table at your favorite place , choose how many people will come , choose your prefered music , etc , you can also use this app to see what's the coming events , My Role was to implemnts some functions in this application , and apply this fancy design .
AnaWaslt is a simple application connected to Google Firebase Which helps Company Employees to Sign-In and Out when they Come / leave their working days in their Company . The Idea is When u come to ur office you click sign-in button , the application sends ur sign-in date,time and address to Firebase console , Similarly when you sign-out same data are sent . If you work for 8+ hours , the application sends an internal push-notification to tell you that's enough for Today ;) , also , you can see ur history of this month from this app . Your Boss Can easily open Firebase console and see ur performance and attendance